How to neatly manage your VR cables

Most PC-gestuurde VR-brillen are connected to a computer via cables. These headsets are directly linked to the PC's graphics card, allowing you to harness the full power of the PC. However, the downside of cabling is that it often gets in the way. For instance, when playing a VR-game game that allows 360-degree movement, the headset cable can become tangled after several spins. This is why it's important to use a VR Cable Management system. You can easily attach this to the ceiling and run the headset cable through it. This way, you can enjoy VR without being hindered by cables!

Step 1: Place your PC in a convenient location

The cable of a VR-headset has a limited length (typically around 5 metres). This length can be extended for some VR-brillen, but in many cases, it results in a loss of quality. To get the most out of your VR-kabel, we recommend placing the computer as close to the wall as possible (and preferably as high as possible), for example, on a desk against the wall. This way, you avoid the need for the headset cable to first run to the wall, then go up, then across the ceiling, and finally down to the headset. By placing the PC as close and as high to the wall as possible, you skip the first part (running the cable to the wall and up), resulting in approximately 1 to 2 metres of "extra" cable that you can use to neatly manage the cable.

Step 2: Attach the VR cable management stickers

The VR cable management systems consist of stickers, pulleys, and hooks. Attach the stickers to the ceiling with a small gap in between (approximately 30 to 60 centimetres). Usually, three stickers are sufficient, but for a larger distance, you can use more.

Step 3: Attach the pulleys to the stickers

Now that the stickers are on the ceiling, you can attach the pulleys to the stickers. The pulleys ensure that the headset cable can move flexibly. These pulleys are similar to the holders used for ski passes: you can pull them out, and as soon as you release them, the cord retracts. It works the same way with a headset cable. When you attach a cable to a pulley, you can move in all directions. For example, when you dive down, the cable moves with you without any issues, and when you jump up, the pulley automatically retracts the cable.

Step 4: Disconnect the headset cable from your VR-bril and attach the cable to the pulleys

Now you will run the headset cable through the pulleys. The easiest way is to temporarily disconnect your headset cable from the VR-bril, so you can move around the space easily. Once you have disconnected the cable, attach it to all the cable management systems. Some systems consist of carabiner hooks, while others use a klik-systeem (like this cable management system).

Step 5: Leave some slack at the last pulley

A common mistake when setting up a VR cable management system is having equal tension on all pulleys. This makes it uncomfortable to move, and you will notice that the last cable starts to "pull" on your headset. In this video this video explains well how to avoid this.

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