Terms and Conditions for Post-Payment
Terms and Conditions for Post-Payment by Unbound XR, located at:
Kerkenbos 1063F
6546 BB Nijmegen
A. General Information on Post-Payment
With post-payment, you can receive your order first and then pay the invoice. By choosing post-payment, you agree to the associated terms and conditions. For the assessment of your application, the information you provide will be forwarded to Focum Commerce B.V. in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions. If approved, you can pay afterwards and will receive the order and an invoice from us. This invoice must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.
The sending of the invoice and the collection of your payment is outsourced to Focum Commerce B.V. Our digital invoice will indicate how you should pay the invoice (after receiving the goods and/or services). You must tick this box to indicate that you agree to the terms and conditions. You can read these terms and conditions here.
Note: Unbound XR is free to additionally mention some points from the general contract terms as instructions and/or communication in the general information (e.g., terms of use for Post-Payment, see below under capital letter B).
B. Terms and Conditions for Post-Payment
These are the terms and conditions that apply to consumers using Post-Payment. By using Post-Payment, you agree to the following terms:
Terms of Use for Post-Payment Service for Customer:
- As a consumer, you reside in the Netherlands and, as a customer of Unbound XR, have purchased products and/or services with a factuur- and delivery address (no P.O. box) in the Netherlands;
- You are 18 years or older;
- To limit the financial risks of this payment option, your order will be checked by Focum Commerce B.V. Based on this check, it will be determined whether Unbound XR accepts your application for post-payment. If not, you will be asked to pay for the order in advance using another payment option;
- You declare that all (additional) information required for the application of your post-payment request has been provided correctly and completely and give permission to process your data and check your information online with Focum Commerce, so that we can inform you immediately whether your application has been accepted;
- You are obliged to inform Unbound XR of any address and/or e-mail changes. As long as we have not received an address change from you, you are assumed to reside at the last known address. Regardless of whether or not you notify us of an address and/or e-mail change, you remain obliged to pay the outstanding balance. Address and/or e-mail changes can be communicated via the Unbound XR website by email or in writing to the Unbound XR Customer Service.
- You declare that you have not applied for a moratorium on payments, are not in debt restructuring/mediation (in accordance with the Debt Restructuring Natural Persons Act), have not been declared bankrupt or placed under guardianship, and that no procedure is ongoing that could result in bankruptcy, a moratorium on payments, or guardianship.
Method of Payment by Customer:
- Unbound XR has outsourced the invoicing and collection of your payment to Focum Commerce B.V. If your application is accepted, you will receive a digital invoice with a payment link from Focum Commerce B.V. on behalf of Unbound XR.
- This invoice will indicate how you should pay the invoice (after receiving the goods and/or services). Always pay on time according to the instructions on the invoice. This will prevent additional costs that will be charged to you if the payment term is exceeded.
- You acknowledge that Focum Commerce B.V. handles the digital invoicing and collection on behalf of Unbound XR and that Focum Commerce B.V. in this context provides and/or will provide notifications and communications and performs or will perform actions on behalf of Unbound XR, which you also acknowledge as valid and correct notifications, communications, and/or actions from or on behalf of Unbound XR.
- To receive the digital invoice with a payment link via e-mail, it is important that you provide a correct e-mailadres. If you provide an incorrect e-mailadres, you will not receive a digital invoice with a payment link. You must therefore check the correctness of your provided e-mailadres, as well as the receipt of the digital invoice with a payment link from Focum Commerce B.V.
Payment Terms and Payment Period for Customer:
The amount due for your purchases must be received in full by Focum Commerce B.V. within a period of fourteen (14) days from the invoice date, without any deduction or set-off.
- If you do not pay the full invoice amount to Focum Commerce B.V. within fourteen (14) days from the invoice date, you will be in default without further notice of default.
- If the payment term is exceeded, Unbound XR has the right to have Focum Commerce B.V. charge a fee for costs incurred to obtain payment out of court (collection costs). These collection costs can amount to the statutory maximum compensation for costs incurred to obtain payment out of court (extrajudicial collection costs). After the collection costs have been charged, you must pay the full invoice amount as well as the collection costs immediately to avoid further (extrajudicial) collection costs.
- For sending the payment reminder and charging collection costs in case of exceeding the payment term, the e-mailadres you provided and checked for correctness will be used. You will receive a e-mail with a payment reminder and payment link. The inability to receive a e-mail does not affect your responsibility to pay the full invoice amount as well as the charged collection costs on time.
- If you do not pay the full amount (invoice amount as well as the collection costs) despite reminders and/or reminders, Unbound XR will, in accordance with these terms and conditions, transfer the entire claim against you (principal sum as well as collection costs and otherwise) to Focum Commerce B.V. thirty-five (35) days after the invoice date.
- If a claim is transferred to Focum Commerce B.V., you are obliged to pay the statutory maximum compensation for costs incurred to obtain payment out of court (extrajudicial collection costs) as well as (any) judicial collection costs in addition to the full claim amount, and statutory interest is also due on the amount owed from the due date. After the transfer, Focum Commerce B.V. will contact you on how you can pay, and you are and remain obliged to pay the amount owed at that time.
- After the transfer of the claim, you are obliged to inform Focum Commerce B.V. (or the collection agency engaged by them) of any address and/or e-mail changes during the period you are obliged to pay the amount owed. As long as they have not received an address change from you, you are assumed to reside at the last known address and remain obliged to pay the amount owed at that time. Address and/or e-mail changes can be communicated to Focum Commerce B.V. in writing.
- If you do not, do not fully, or do not timely pay the full amount (invoice amount as well as the collection costs), this may affect any future approval by Focum Commerce B.V. of any subsequent application from you for post-payment.
Privacy Statement of Focum Commerce B.V.:
By choosing the post-payment option, the information you provide and your payment experience(s) with you will be included in the database of Focum Commerce B.V. Focum Commerce B.V. may use this information -, whether or not in statistical form, for the administration, management, and collection of claims, creditworthiness assessments, acceptance assessments, fraud prevention and limitation, and limitation of financial risks with Focum Commerce B.V.in a group of affiliated companies as well as clients, relationship management, analyses for clients, strategic considerations from a management perspective as well as the development of services and products or in any other manner as specified by the Data Protection Authority.